Biodegradation of pesticides - AGRICULTURE

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Biodegradation of pesticides

Today we are disscuss about biodegradation of pesticides.

Biodegradation of pesticides means Break down of pesticides.that environmentally compatible with the site which can it was applied. 

1. Biodegradation Of Pesticides 

2. Introduction • A pesticide can be defined as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. 

• Pesticides like insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances are used to control or inhibit plant diseases and insect pests. • The positive aspect of application of pesticides renders enhanced crop/food productivity and drastic reduction of vector-borne diseases. • However excessive use of these chemicals leads to the microbial imbalance, environmental pollution and health hazards. • Due to these problems, development of technologies that guarantee their elimination in a safe, efficient and economical way is important.

3. • Degradation of pesticides is very essential for controlling these problems. • Biodegradation is a process by which a pesticide is transformed into a benign substance that is environmentally compatible with the site to which it was applied. • The degradation or breakdown of pesticides can occur in plants, animals, and in the soil and water. • However the most common type of degradation is carried out in the soil by microorganisms, especially fungi and bacteria that use pesticides as food source. • The soil fumigant methyl bromide, the herbicide dalapon, and the fungicide chloroneb are examples of pesticides which are degraded by microorganisms.

4. Criteria for Biodegradation • For successful biodegradation of pesticide in soil, following aspects must be taken into consideration. 1. Organisms must have necessary catabolic activity required for degradation of contaminant at fast rate to bring down the concentration of contaminant. 2. The target contaminant must be bioavailability. 3. Soil conditions must be congenial for microbial /plant growth and enzymatic activity. 4. Cost of bioremediation must be less than other technologies of removal of contaminants.

5. Strategies for Biodegradation • For the successful biodegradation / bioremediation of a given contaminant following strategies are needed. 1. Passive/ intrinsic Bioremediation: It is the natural bioremediation of contaminant by tile indigenous microorganisms and the rate of degradation is very slow. 2. Biostimulation: Practice of addition of nitrogen and phosphorus to stimulate indigenous microorganisms in soil. 3. Bioventing: Process of Biostimulation by which gases stimulants like oxygen and methane are added or forced into soil to stimulate microbial activity. 4. Bioaugmentation: It is the inoculation/introduction of microorganisms in the contaminated site/soil to facilitate biodegradation.

6. 4. Composting: Piles of contaminated soils are constructed and treated with aerobic thermophilic microorganisms to degrade contaminants. Periodic physical mixing and moistening of piles are done to promote microbial activity. 5. Phytoremediation: Can be achieved directly by planting plants which hyperaccumulate heavy metals or indirectly by plants stimulating microorganisms in the rhizosphere. 6. Bioremediation: Process of detoxification of toxic/unwanted chemicals / contaminants in the soil and other environment by using microorganisms. 7. Mineralization: Complete conversion of an organic contaminant to its inorganic constituent by a species or group of microorganisms.

7. Different Approaches for Biodegradation • Although a number of techniques are available for biodegradation, the ones of utmost importance are: 1. Bacterial degradation: Most bacterial species degrade pesticides. most of the pesticides undergo partial degradation leading to the formation and accumulation of metabolites. 2. Fungal degradation:. Fungi degrade pesticides by introducing minor structural changes to the pesticides rendering it non toxic and are released to soil, where it is susceptible to further biodegradation by bacteria. 3. Enzymatic degradation: Enzymes have a great potentiality to effectively transform and detoxify polluting substances because they have been recognized to be able to transform pollutants at a detectable rate and are potentially suitable to restore polluted environments.

8. Chemical Reactions Leading to Biodegradation • The biodegradation of pesticides, is often complex and involves a series of biochemical reactions: 1. Detoxification: Conversion of the pesticide molecule to a non- toxic compound. A single chance in the side chain of a complex molecule may render the chemical non-toxic. 2. Degradation: The breaking down / transformation of a complex substrate into simpler products leading finally to mineralization. e.g. Thirum (fungicide) is degraded by a strain of Pseudomonas and the degradation products are dimethlamine, proteins, sulpholipaids, etc. 3. Congugation: In which an organism make the substrate more complex or combines the pesticide with cell metabolites. Conjugation is accomplished by those organisms catalyzing the reaction of addition of an amino acid, organic acid or methyl crown to the substrate, for e.g., in the microbial metabolism of sodium dimethly dithiocarbamate, the organism combines the fungicide with an amino acid molecule normally present in the cell and thereby inactivate the pesticides/chemical.

9. 4. Activation: It is the conversion of non-toxic substrate into a toxic molecule, for eg. Herbicide, 4-butyric acid (2, 4-D B) and the insecticide Phorate are transformed and activated microbiologically in soil to give metabolites that are toxic to weeds and insects. 5. Changing the spectrum of toxicity: Some fungicides/pesticides are designed to control one particular group of organisms / pests, but they are metabolized to yield products inhibitory to entirely dissimilar groups of organisms, for e.g. the fungicide PCNB fungicide is converted in soil to chlorinated benzoic acids that kill pests. 6. Leaching: Since many of the pesticides can be solublized, they are removed by leaching.

10. Example of Biodegradation of Pesticides  Dichloro Diphenyl Tricholroethene (DDT): • Probably the best known example of a chlorinated pesticide. • This compound has been used in vast quantities as insecticide to control numerous insect pests. • However, its use has been banned or restricted in many countries because of its deleterious effects. • DDT present in the soil can be degraded in two years, while others have found that the process can take from fifteen to twenty years or more. • The degradation products of DDT are mainly the dechlorination products DDE and DDD. • The pathway can be DDT DDE DDD, or from DDT to DDD directly. • Anaerobically, DDE is readily dechlorinated to DDNU and then to further products. • Among microorganisms, bacteria comprise the major group • involved in DDT degradation,especially soil habitants belonging to genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter and Micrococcus.

11.  Carbamates : • Carbamates were introduced as pesticides in the early 1950s and are still used extensively in pest control due to their effectiveness and broad spectrum of biological activity. • They are used as alternatives to the highly stable organochlorines such as DDT. • Degradation of pesticide occurs mainly through the hydrolysis of methylcarbamate linkage by an enzyme called carbofuran hydrolyase. • Microbial strains capable of degrading carbamate belong to the genera Psuedomonas, Flavobacterium, Achromobacterium, Sphingomonas, Arthrobacter.

12. Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages • often less expensive and site disruption is minimal. • it eliminates waste permanently. • eliminates long-term liability. • it can be coupled with other physical or chemical treatment methods. Disadvantages • Treatment time is typically longer. • Range of contaminants that can be effectively treated is limited to compounds that are biodegradable. • The process is sensitive to the level of toxicity and environmental conditions in the ground. • If the process is not controlled it is possible the organic contaminants may not be broken down fully resulting in toxic by-products that could be more mobile than the initial contamination.

13. Thank You

Sudheer Bhargav. 

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