Elements of sustainability Current research programmes towards sustainable agriculture - AGRICULTURE

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Elements of sustainability Current research programmes towards sustainable agriculture

Elements of sustainability Current research programmes towards sustainable agriculture

There are many ways to improve the sustainability of a given farming system, and these vary from region to region, However, there are some common sets of practices among farmers trying to take a more sustainable approach, in part through greater use of on-farm or local resources each contributing in some way to long- term profitability, environmental stewardship and rural quality of life. 

a) Soil conservation- Many soil conservation methods, including 

contour cultivates contour bunding, graded bunding, vegetative barriers,

strip cropping cover cropping, reduced tillage etc help prevent loss of soil due to wind and water erosion 

 b) Crop diversity- Growing a greater variety of crops on a farm can 

help reduce risks from extremes in weather, market conditions or crop 

pests. Increased diversity crops and other plants, such as trees and 

shrubs, also can contribute to soil conservation, wildlife habitat and 

increased populations of beneficial insects 

c) Nutrient management- Proper management of nitrogen and other 

plant nutrients con improve the soil and protect environment.Increased use of farm nutrient sources such as manure and leguminous cover crops, also reduces purchased fertilizer costs. 

d) Integrated pest management (IPM)- IPM is a sustainable approach 

to managing pests by combining biological, cultural, physical and 

chemical tools in way that minimizes economic, health and 

environmental risks. 

e) Cover crops- Growing plant such as sun hemp, horse gram, pillipesara in the off season after harvesting a grain or vegetable crop can provide several benefits, including weed suppression, erosion control, and improved soil nutrients and soil quality . 

f) Rotational grazing- New management- intensive grazing systems take animals out barn into the pasture to provide high-quality forage and reduced feed cost . 

g) Water quality & water conservation- Water conservation and protection have important part of Agricultural stewardship. Many 

practices have been develop conserve Viz., deep ploughing, mulching, micro irrigation techniques etc.., protect quality of drinking and surface water . 

h) Agro forestry- Trees and other woody perennials are often 

underutilized on ----covers a range of practices Viz., agri-silvicuture, 

silive-pastoral,agri-silvi-pagri-horticulture, horti/silvipastoral, alley cropping, tree farming , lay farm that help conserve, soil and water. 

i) Marketing- Farmers across the country are finding that improved 

marketing -----way to enhance profitability, direct marketing ofagricultural product from farmers to consumers is becoming much more common, including through Rythu bazaar rod side stands . 

 Status of sustainable Agriculture in India 

The survival and well being of the nation depends on sustainable development. It is a process of social and economic betterment that satisfy needs and values of interest groups without foreclosing options. 

Suitable Development of India demands access to state of are ‘clean’ technologies and have as strategic role in increasing the capabilities of the country both o the environment as well as to provide thrust towards conservation and sustainable agriculture. 

Current research programmes towards sustainable agriculture are as follows: 

1. Resistant crop varieties to soil, climatic and biotic stresses 

2. Multiple cropping system for irrigated areas and tree based 

 farming system rainfall area. 

3. Integrated nutrient management 

a. Combined use of organic and inorganic sources of 


b. Use of green manures (Sesbania, Crotalaria etc) 

c. Inclusion of pulse crops in crop sequence 

d. Use of bio fertilizers 

4. Integrated pest management 

a. Microbial control 

b. Use of botanicals 

c. Use of predators 

5. Soil and water conservation 

a. Watershed management 

b. Use of organics as mulch and manure 

c. Use of bio-fencing like vettiver 

6. Agroforestry systems in dry lands/ sloppy areas and erosion prone 


7. Farm implements to save energy in agriculture 

8. Use of non-conventional energy in Agriculture 

9. Input use efficiency 

a. Water technology 

b. Fertilizer technology 

10. Plant genetic resource collection and conservation.

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