Integrated nutrient management ;Bulky organic manures, Recycling of organic wastes, Bio-fertilizers, Green manuring - AGRICULTURE

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Integrated nutrient management ;Bulky organic manures, Recycling of organic wastes, Bio-fertilizers, Green manuring

Integrated nutrient management 

Integrated nutrient management system envisages conjunctive use of organic manures, crop residues, biofertilizers, legumes in crop rotation and green manuring. It combines traditional and improved technologies to gain from the symbiosis and synergy of crop- soil-environment bio-interactions. The concept is for optimization of all available sources of plant nutrients to improve soil fertility availing nature’s gifts. Development of INM system involving and appropriate mix of organics, biological N fixation, phosphate solubilising microbes, and need based chemical fertilizers would be crucial for sustainability of production and soil as a resource base for it. 

Bulky organic manures: 

In India, the estimate production of rural compost is about 226 million tons and urban compost of 6.6 million tons annually. Aggregate stability, decrease in pH, resistance to compaction, infiltration and water holding capacity. Proper methods of preparation of  FYM/Compost therefore have to be popularized.

Recycling of organic wastes:

Substantial quantities of crop residues (350 million tons) are produced in India every year. Crop residues in combination with organics have been shown to improve availability of plant nutrients, soil organic matter, aggregate stability, infiltration rate, microbial population etc.


Bio-fertilizers such as rhizobium culture is an effective source of N supply to leguminous corps. Azotobacter and Azospirillium help in N fixation and supply to crops like rice, wheat, sorghum, maize, cotton, sugarcane, fruit corps and vegetables. Phosphate solubilising bacteria viz., Bacillus aspergillus help in making available soil P to the crops and increase the solubility of indigenous sources of P like rock phosphate. Blue green algae and Azolla have shown promise in low land rice. These are renewable and environment friendly supplementary sources of nutrients and are presently being used in quantities between 8-10 tons per year. Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) has beneficial effect on plant growth, particularly in P deficient soils. Improved uptake of water, production of plant hormones and microbial activity are the prime benefits of mycorrhizal inoculations.

Green manuring

Green manuring is a cheap alternative to the use of fertilizer N. The process also makes a positive contribution to the maintenance of soil organic matter at a satisfactory level. The stem nodulating green manure plant, Sesbania rostrata (Danchia) can fix 100-250 kg/N/ha in 45 to 55 days and has great scope in rice culture. There is also greater scope for green-leaf manuring for rice and other crops from the lopping of various multipurpose trees popularized through afforestation and agro-forestry systems. Popularization of bio-gas plants, encouraging legumes in crop rotation and intercropping system and use of sewage, sludges and effluents for agriculture can also be the components of INMS.

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